A Private Virtual Coach will work with you one on one, at your pace, in your preferred language, teaching you how to cut the 1 style that you or your partner want, through video chat (Zoom, Face Time, etc), from the comfort & safety of your home. Each coach has a different level of experience & different price they charge for the approx 1-1.5 hour coaching session.

If any of these scenarios apply to you then you would benefit from booking a private session:

  • Are you excited about learning to cut his hair, but he’s not? Hiring a private coach will give your partner the increased confidence he needs to make it a fun experience.
  • Would you like your 1st time cutting hair to be the easiest experience possible? A private coach can guide you every step of the way giving you specific tips/tricks to help you succeed.
  • Having difficulty following the online video tutorials? A coach will patiently work at your pace & in your preferred language.
  • Do you have specific questions that weren’t answered in the video tutorials? Coaches are available to answer all of your questions & even more questions that you later think of as you learn in your session.
  • Would you like to learn a hair cut that is a little bit different than what we have in the videos? Choose a coach with experience cutting the style you want in order to teach you how to cut hair exactly the way you want it.
  • Is haircutting a skill that you want to get really good at? Success experts say one difference between an amateur & a pro is the pro has a coach.
  • Did your 1st cutting session not turn out as good as you would have liked? Don’t shave your head yet!! A private coach can guide you through corrective cuts & make the end result the best it can be.

Ready to get started with your Private Virtual Coaching session? The 1st step is to make sure you have all the hair cutting supplies you will need to succeed. To do this visit the Video Tutorial page that applies to you & view “Step #1. Set Up Your Supplies” & go ahead & purchase any items you’ll need that you don’t already have. Next, Contact us to make your payment for your virtual coaching session & we will then connect you with a coach. Once you have all of your supplies together, you can schedule a day/time that works for you both.

Important Disclaimer: To become a licensed hair stylist costs thousands of dollars & takes a substantial amount of time. The Military Haircut Academy is NOT intended to license you. We will teach you only the skills needed to cut your partners hair exactly the way he/she likes it or to cut your own hair exactly the way you like it.

Check back with us frequently to watch as new coaches profiles are added here.

Jeremy N.

Bio: I have been cutting hair, to include my own, since arriving at my first Marine Corps duty station 20 years ago.  Needless to say, I have been busy helping other Marines out since the onset of Covid.  Whether cutting... Continue Reading →

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