As a Private Virtual Coach you can set your own rate, make your own schedule & stay in your pajamas cause that’s right, you’re working from home!!!

We have visitors to Military Haircut Academy who are not comfortable picking up clippers for the 1st time & following an instructional video, instead they want to pay a fee to have a personalized private hair cutting lesson. Because of this, we are now actively looking for professional Barbers & Hairstylists who are out of work due to the pandemic, to sign up on the website to be a Private Virtual Coach. As a Private Coach, you would be giving one on one lessons, through video chat (Zoom, Face Time, etc), at the student’s pace, teaching your student how to cut only the 1 style of hair they want.

Styles: Visit Video Tutorials to see a visual of what kind of haircuts you would need to be comfortable guiding a person through the steps. For men, low, med, and high faded military regulation cuts are what we advertise, but because of the pandemic, our program is now available to both the military & the community…so if you are skilled at other, non regulation styles, that’s great. For woman, we advertise a simple trim for either chin length, shoulder length, or long hair. When you created a Virtual Coach Profile after filling out the form below, you will have the opportunity to advertise which cuts you are comfortable coaching. You would need to be confident in your skills doing these cuts, so you would be at a level of knowledge to patiently guide an inexperienced person through the steps. You also would need to know which tools are needed for the style so you can check that your student has the supplies needed before you begin your sessions.

Your Schedule: You get to make your own schedule!! When a visitor to our site chooses your profile & makes a payment, we will connect the two of you. You can then schedule a time that works for you both to have the virtual hair cutting training session. It would be 1 single session + allowing them to contact you at a later time with simple follow up questions. They will most likely call you in 2-4 weeks when they are doing the cut again & have forgotten a few small details. Their follow up questions should not require another session. If it looks like it will, you can let them know up front what your rates are. From start to finish most sessions average 1-1.5 hours. The majority of students will be booking just 1 session with you. Occasionally, you may have a student who would like to pay again & book a 2nd refresher session.

Pay: You get to set your own rate. A suggested amount is $20-$70/session depending on your level of experience, but ultimately it’s up to you. You are welcome to charge more than this if you would like. Note: We will be adding a company fee of $29 on top of what you charge & posting that total rate as the fee to book a session with you. For example if your rate was $50, we would post “$79/session” on your profile. This is our company’s revenue source & what allows us to pay our admin/media team & other misc costs associated with bringing these referrals to you. Students will pay us directly. After your completed session, contact us with the name of your student, we will confirm with the student & then transfer your pay to you. In approx 4 weeks we will have a fully automated program that will do these payment tasks automatically for you.

Type of Employment/Taxes: Being a Virtual Coach is an independent contractor, self employed, 1099 work. You will receive your full payment without any taxes taken out. You will need to pay your taxes in accordance with your state & IRS regulations for the self-employed.

Post Pandemic: We would like this program to continue to bring you a stream of income even after Covid-19 has been resolved. We picture a change in the industry where a Barber/Hairstylist will work in the shop during the day then do Virtual Private Coaching from home on their free evenings & weekends to earn extra income. There are over 2 million military members in the US that are required to have their hair cut every 1-2 weeks…Our program is the 1st professional Academy that teaches them how to cut their hair from home. We believe there will remain a demand for Private Hair Cutting Coaching from the military even after Covid passes.

Cost: There is absolutely no cost to you to list yourself as a Private Virtual Coach on the website. You do need to have or acquire at your own expense: technology for video conferencing (face time, video call zoom, & google/Facebook have created video call services too). You also need to have your own set of hair cutting tools & supplies to refer to when giving lessons. As well as both an email address & phone number for us to connect you with students. Lastly, you need a comfy pair of pajamas to wear during your coaching call cause you’re working from home (just kidding, pj’s are not a requirement)!!

Qualification Requirements: To be successful as a virtual hair cutting coach you will need a few years of hair cutting experience & be comfortable cutting 1 or more styles we have a video tutorial for on our website. Equally important to your hair cutting skills is that you are a kind, patient, positive, & encouraging type of person – that is the winning combination for having success as a coach during your 1-1.5 hour session. You will also need to have a basic level of familiarity with video calling. And if you speak multiple languages that will make you a good match for a greater number of students.

What’s Not Required: It is not required that you have taught a person how to cut hair before. Prior to Covid the concept of teaching a person to cut hair didn’t exist in the mainstream – If the person was really interested they would invest the time & money to get licensed to cut hair as a profession. But here we are with individuals & spouses both wanting & needing to know how to give that 1 style haircut to themselves or their spouse from the safety of their home. Therefore we do not expect you to have teaching experience

Rules: If a student from Military Haircut Academy contacts you asking to purchase an additional session with your OR if a student refers you to others you must direct them to book your services through Military Haircut Academy. If we find that you are receiving additional work opportunities, that were born from our services, without allowing us to collect our portion of the payment made to you, then your profile will be immediately removed from the program & we will no longer be able to send you work opportunities.

How to Sign Up To Be a Virtual Private Hair Cutting Coach: Just fill out the form below. Take your time to make it just right, this is what students will read when making a decision which coach they would like to book with. IMPORTANT: Incase your internet times out while you are working on writing your bio, be sure to copy it before clicking “Submit”.

Selected Value: 0
Examples: patient, kind, encouraging, positive, upbeat, organized, detailed, straight forward, etc
Each session lasts approx 1-1.5 hours + the student may have follow up questions 2-4 weeks later when they try to cut again.
Here is your opportunity to speak directly to the community to tell them about you.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Next Steps: When you click “Submit” in 2-3 days we will send you 2 emails from docu-sign (be on the look out for it & check your spam box). The 1st email will contain a Non-Compete Agreement & an Independent Contractors Questionnaire that must be completed before we can begin referring you work, so you will want to fill these out right away.

The 2nd email is a W9 form – You can wait to complete this portion, it does not need to be completed right away. If you’d like you can wait until when you are ready to receive payment from us before filling it out.

After you complete the N.C. Agreement & I.C. Questionnaire your profile will be made available to prospective students to request you as their coach. If you have any questions about this process contact us. Thank you for choosing to be apart of our program. We are looking forward to bringing you opportunities to work from home!!