The Military Haircut Academy is a community site created by Kathryn Burke and Jeremy Nelson . The goal of the site is to bring together knowledge from trained hair-dressers, as well as the experiences from those who are learning as they go, to create a single destination for our armed service men and women to learn how to keep themselves groomed and styled from the comfort of their own homes.

Kathryn Burke is a proud military wife who, like millions of us out there, have had to adapt to the life changes that the Covid pandemic has thrown at us, which includes having to cut her husband’s hair at home in a style that adheres to regulations. She realized that there are so many others out there facing the same situation, but perhaps without the experience or knowledge of the ideal equipment to use, and that the entire community can come together to share our knowledge to help each other out during these crazy times.

Jeremy Nelson has been in the Marine Corps for more than 20 years.  He’s been cutting hair, to include his own, since arriving at his first duty station.  Needless to say, he’s been busy helping other Marines out since the onset of Covid.  Whether cutting the individual’s hair, showing them how to cut their own, or teaching the spouse, Jeremy’s been quite busy the past few months.  He figured it was time to pay it forward through Military Haircut Academy.  Jeremy is married to the lovely Amanda and, like most, staying safe during the pandemic has been their number one priority.